As part of its mission to be the community’s information center, the Cybrarium provides free access to essential digital public services. By doing so, the Cybrarium supports the American Library Association’s (“ALA”) assertion that “[l]ibraries empower users by offering opportunities both for accessing the broadest range of information created by others and for creating and sharing information. Digital resources enhance the ability of libraries to fulfill this responsibility.”
Essential digital public services provided by the Cybrarium include access to computers, the Internet, and basic software. In addition, the Cybrarium provides an unsecured wireless network for patrons’ use with their personal devices.
All patrons are permitted to use Cybrarium computers to access the Internet. In accordance with the Children's Internet Protection Act, (CIPA) (Pub. L. 106 554), the Cybrarium uses filtering software on all computers. The filtering software will be temporarily disabled on the request of an adult patron for lawful purposes. The Cybrarium does not disable the filtering software by request of minors.
Parents or guardians -- not the Cybrarium and its staff -- are responsible for the information selected and the sites visited on the Internet by their children and for supervising their children’s Internet use on Cybrarium-owned computers and devices, as well as on personal devices used in the Cybrarium.
This policy supports the ALA’s Intellectual Freedom statements, including The Library Bill of Rights and Access to Digital Information, Services, and Networks.
The following guidelines have been established for acceptable use of Cybrarium-owned computers and equipment, as well as personal devices used on Cybrarium property:
Failure to follow this policy or the Cybrarium Rules of Conduct may result in suspension of internet or Cybrarium privileges.
Cybrarium computers are in a public area and information viewed on the screen may be visible to patrons of all ages. All users are asked to view content appropriate to a public space and respect the privacy of others. Cybrarium staff may ask users to take action to address the situation if the content viewed is inappropriate or other patrons express concern about the nature of the web browsing. Users accept that the Cybrarium makes no representation or guarantee that computer or Internet services, including wireless service, will be uninterrupted, error-free, virus-free, timely, or secure, nor that any Internet content is accurate, reliable, or safe in any manner for download or any other purpose.
Use of the Cybrarium’s hardware, software, Internet service, wireless network, and electronic information resources is entirely at the risk of the user. Neither the City of Homestead nor the Cybrarium shall be liable for any damage that may occur to any computer, peripheral equipment, device, or storage media; loss of data or confidential information; unauthorized access to or alteration of data transmission; and/or any other direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting from or arising out of use of the Cybrarium’s Internet service, equipment, or other devices; wireless network, and/or electronic information resources or inability to use these services; or any other matter relating to these services.
The user agrees to hold the Cybrarium harmless from any claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities relating to the use of Cybrarium computers, network, or other equipment, or related to the use of information obtained from the Cybrarium’s electronic information system.